Monday, October 23, 2017


she wanders through the forests and the groves,
her bare feet scarce upon the mossy ground,
as day sinks into night without a sound
and sunset fills the skies with pinks and mauves;
and like a restless breeze she wildly roves,
a love-lost woodland dryad, summer-crowned
and who could ever guess where she was bound,
or why the sea so whispered near the coves.
her eyes as bright as a white-feathered dove,
beyond the river, near a sheltered tree,
she rests awhile finds lilies for her hair,
their flowery mist no prettier than she,
(enchanting in the hearkened, vibrant air,)
her heart soft-brimmed with longing and with love.
--Beth StClair

{le fil casse} - Isabela Halter Top for Once Upon A Nightmare
{le fil casse} - Agnes Panty - White
{le fil casse} - Agnes Thigh Socks - White
Astralia - Penelope Headpiece
[^.^Ayashi^.^] - Naoki Hair
^^Swallow^^HD Elf Ears
[POUT!] - Easter Makeup Catwa Applier
[CX] - Hikaru Lashes
*(OO)*YUKI - Koda Mesh Eyes *TSS Gift*

Catwa - Catya Bento V2.16
Maitreya - Mesh Body/Bento Hands/Feet Lara V4.1
Subtly Stace - Shiloh Shape
Glam Affair - Medison Catwa Polar Applier *RARE*
Glam Affair - Polar w/Freckles Maitreya Body Applier

CW Poses - Yvy Pose

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